Commentary on Acts, by H. Leo Boles. Printed by the Gospel Advocate Company in 1947. Excellent commentary for those desiring a deeper study in the Gospel of Luke. Click here to download.

Boles-Clubb Debate on Instrumental Music. This is a written debate between W. D. Clubb, Secretary of the Christian Missionary Society, and H. Leo Boles, of David Lipscomb College. It has long been out of print. Reprinted for public distribution by Abilene Press. Click here to download.

Commentary on Romans, by Moses Lard. I was first introduced to this commentary with the hardback printed edition. While some think Lard’s commentary needs a ‘commentary’ to decipher his work, I found it to be very useful. While his commentary is challenging, I found it to be very helpful in many of the difficult passages in the book of Romans. Click here to download.

Burgess-Underwood Debate, on the subject of the inspiration of Christianity. Burgess, President of N.W. Christian University affirmed the proposition: The Christian religion, as set forth in the New Testament, is true in fact, and of divine origin.” Underwood denied. Click here to download