Printed Books

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The Pastoral Epistles” – Commentary on 1-2 Timothy and Titus. Printed and bound by Sain Publications. Contains 610 pages of commentary notes, articles, illustrations and sermon seed thoughts. Click here to order:


“The Manhood of Jesus” – A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke in two volumes. Volume 1 contains 513 pages of commentary notes on Luke chapters 1-11, outlines, and articles from “Tom’s Pen.” Volume 2 covers chapters 12-24, contains 680 pages. You can purchase each volume separately, or as a set. You will be given that choice when you place your order.  Click here to order.

“The Magnificence of Jesus, Volume 1-2” – A commentary on the Gospel of John. Can be ordered as a set or separately. Volume 1 = $27, Volume 2 = $27, and set = $45.00. Printed and bound by Sain Publications. Click here to order.

“Studies In Romans” – A commentary on Paul’s letter to the church at Rome. 2nd Edition. Hardback. Printed and bound by Sain Publications. $28.00. Click here to order

“Studies in Galatians and Ephesians” – Combines both of these commentaries in one volume in the printed edition. Cost = $32.00. Printed and bound by Sain Publications. Contains 512 pages of commentary notes, articles, illustrations and sermon ideas. Click here to order.

“Studies in Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon” – Hardback edition combines a study of all three of these epistles in the one volume. Cost = $25.00 Click here

“Studies in Hebrews” – a Commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews. Cost = $25.00
Click Here

“John’s Vision on Patmos” – A Commentary on the book of Revelation. Cost = $25.00 [presently out of print]

“Songs and Devotions of David, Volumes 1-7” – Sold only as a set of all seven volumes. Individual volumes can be purchased in digital PDF format. 7 Volume Cost = $65.00. To order these books Click here